
Romanian stamps, expressions of art and beauty

Reproduceri de arta_Art reproductions

By his very nature man is an artist. He seeks to bring everywhere in his life, in one way or another, the beauty.” (Maxim Gorky)


Painting and sculpture have represented since ancient times expressions of the way the mind and the soul imagine the world, encompassing the essence of human creativity, and the depth of experiences and feelings in relation to the surrounding world.


With a national philatelic heritage rich in topics dedicated to Romanian and universal art, Romfilatelia resumes the projects on this subject, which is loved and appreciated by collectors, and introduces into circulation a new postage stamp issue entitled Art Reproductions.


The four stamps of the issue reproduce masterpieces belonging to the Romanian painter Gheorghe Tattarescu (1820-1894) and French sculptor Auguste Rodin (1840-1917).


Gheorghe Tattarescu, whose 195-year birthday anniversary is celebrated this year, is a pioneer of Neoclassicism in Romanian painting, most of his artistic work being devoted to religious art. The stamp with the face value of lei 3.10 reproduces the painting Hagar in the Desert, and the stamp with the face value of lei 3.30 illustrates the painting Girl with Tambourine, both his works, oil on canvas, being characteristic to Neoclassicism.


Auguste Rodin, whose 175-year birthday anniversary is celebrated this year, aims to revolutionize the language of sculpture, enabling him to expose the human truth beyond academic clichés. The other two stamps of the philatelic issue reproduce creations of the French sculptor, as follows: on the stamp with the face value of lei 4.50 is reproduced the sculpture The Kiss, and on the stamp with the face value lei 14.50 is represented the sculpture
The Spring.


On the labels of the minisheets are illustrated art reproductions of the two artists: Gheorghe Tattarescu’s
Self-Portrait (detail) and the work that depicts the French Master, Sculptor Rodin, made by sculptor Camille Claudel (1964-1943).


The issue is completed by a first day cover, and as page composition were used the sheet of 20 stamps and the minisheet of 4 stamps + 2 labels.


Starting with Friday, January 23rd, 2014, the postage stamp issue Art Reproductions will be available in all Romfilatelia shops in Bucharest and countrywide.


Romfilatelia thanks the National Museum of Art of Romania for the support granted in the accomplishment of this postage stamp issue.



For further information, please contact the Public Relation Office:

Tel: 021 / 337 24 42
