
Joint Stamp Issue ROMANIA – ESTONIA Forest Species

Continuing the series of postage stamp issues dedicated to diplomatic relations, the Romanian stamp is promoting, in the latest philatelic project, the relations of collaboration and friendship between Romania and Estonia.

Romfilatelia will introduce into circulation the joint stamp issue Romania – Estonia with the topic Forest Species on Friday, November 24th, in its own shops network in Bucharest, Bacau, Brasov, Cluj-Napoca, Iasi and Timisoara and online on

 Romania established diplomatic relations with Estonia in 1924. The Baltic state was occupied by the Soviet Union in 1940 and official contacts being restored in September 1991, when Romania recognized Estonia’s independence.

The both stamps, with the same face value of Lei 8, illustrate species of rowan tree and spruce.

Rowan tree (Sorbus aucuparia) is a fall-leaf tree that lives at the edge of a wood, in the hill and mountain range, spreading throughout Europe, from the Baltic Estonia to the West of Siberia. It is higher than 10-15 m and has a round crown. The compound leaves, consisting of an odd number of leaflets, are colored in a spectacular red-purple in autumn. Flowers are white, arranged in inflorescences, with an unpleasant smell. Rowan fruits are small, globular, rarely ellipsoidal and usually red. They have a strong astringent taste when they are raw, but can be eaten after the first frost. Also called birds’ Sorbus, they are an important source of food for birds.

The longevity of the rowan tree exceeds a century, reaching its maturity at 10 years, having plenty of fruits every year from that age. It is a smoke-resistant tree and can be grown in polluted areas. It has become very common in parks. Various cultivars of ornamental value, commercially available, have yellow, pink, orange fruits.

Spruce (Picea abies) is a species of conifer, belonging to the Pinaceae family. It is found in both countries, in Romania being present in the mountain and subalpine region, where it forms pure forests (spruce forests) or mixed woods with beech and fir. In Estonia, it occupies the third place as a tree species, after pine and birch trees. The highest specimens of spruce in Estonia grow at Järveselja and are about 48 m high.

A tree with a pyramidal or narrow conical crown, reaching up to 50 m high. Under favorable conditions, spruce can live up to 250 years.

Ancient Greeks and Romans, and medieval people used buds, cones, seeds, resin, and essential oils of spruce in traditional medicine. Substances contained in spruce strengthen the immune system and stimulate appetite. Spruce is very useful for treating respiratory disorders, soothes cough and is a good expectorant. Spruce-based products alleviate symptoms of arthritis, gout-related conditions, or muscle aches. Essential spruce oil is antiseptic, roborant and has a refreshing effect. Spruce oil massages are very beneficial for general relaxation of the body and fight fatigue.

The postage stamp issue is completed by a First Day Cover and as page composition there were used a sheet of 32 stamps, a minisheet of 5 stamps and a label.

 Romfilatelia thanks the Botanical Garden “Dimitrie Brandza” of the University of Bucharest for the documentary support given to this postage stamps issue and to the photographer George Avanu.


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Tel: 021 / 337 24 42

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